Welcome to the new CornerGas.com! Thanks for visiting. The Corner Gas Universe is expanding and we’re getting ready for the launch of Corner Gas Animated. To help prepare, we put together this new website that contains areas for each version of Corner Gas that you love – The Original Series, The Movie, the Tourist Attraction and Corner Gas Animated. You can select the area you’d like to visit at the bottom left of your screen. If you’re using a phone or tablet, you can access the menu on the top right of your screen. (And make sure you aren’t walking or driving or having dinner with family and friends while you use your phone! That’s just rude. Or unsafe. Or both.)

If you have more questions please read our FAQ here. We’re excited to hear what you think – so hit us up on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If you follow our accounts we promise we won’t post too often, but we will post all the latest Dog River news.

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